Pesan Persuasi Idola Korea Pada Konten Instagram Brand Skincare

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Isti Uga Paralita


The activeness of the Indonesian people on social media as a means of communication is then used by corporate brands to promote the products they will offer to the public. In this case, the skincare brand Scarlett Whitening as the best-selling skincare brand in Indonesia is collaborating with the South Korean girl group TWICE who will also promote Scarlett Whitening products on the @scarlett_whitening Instagram account. The age demographic of TWICE girl group fans is dominated by teenagers to young adults in the age range of 10-29 years, so it can be said that the target market of the Scarlett Whitening brand is in the age range of teenagers to young adults. This study was conducted to determine the form of persuasion messages by Korean idols on the content of the Instagram account @scarlett_whitening. The research method used is a multimodal method with a qualitative approach and a positivistic paradigm. From the results of the research, it was found that the persuasive message of Korean idols in the Instagram post @scarlett_whitening as the best-selling skincare product in Indonesia is closely related to the closeness between the represented participant and the active participant where actors and audiences are described as equal and there is an optimistic attitude about the products offered.


Aktifnya masyarakat Indonesia di media sosial dimanfaatkan oleh brand perusahaan untuk mempromosikan produk yang akan mereka tawarkan kepada khalayak. Dalam hal ini, brand skincare Scarlett Whitening sebagai brand skincare paling laris di Indonesia bekerjasama dengan girlband asal Korea Selatan TWICE yang turut mempromosikan produk Scarlett Whitening pada akun Instagram @scarlett_whitening. Demografi umur penggemar girlband TWICE didominasi oleh remaja hingga dewasa muda di kisaran umur 10-29 tahun, sehingga target pasar dari brand Scarlett Whitening berada di kisaran umur remaja hingga dewasa muda. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bentuk pesan persuasi idola Korea pada konten akun Instagram @scarlett_whitening. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode multimodal dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma positivistik. Dari hasil penelitian kemudian diketahui bahwa pesan persuasi idola Korea pada postingan instagram @scarlett_whitening sebagai produk skincare paling laris di Indonesia berkaitan erat dengan kedekatan antara represented participant dengan active participant dimana aktor dan khalayak digambarkan setara serta adanya sikap optimis mengenai produk yang ditawarkan.


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How to Cite
Paralita, I. U. (2022). Pesan Persuasi Idola Korea Pada Konten Instagram Brand Skincare. Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara, 4(2), 264-276.


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