Optimalisasi Pusat Layanan Migrasi Desmigratif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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Ai Rahmayanti


To reduce the problems that befall the Indonesian Migrant Workers/Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI), the government formulate a program called Desa Migran Produktif or commonly known as Desmigratif, which formulated for 400 chosen village over Indonesia.  One of the pillars that support the program is the existence of an Information Service Centre (Pusat Layanan Informasi) that can be accessed by PMI, prospective of PMI, and their relative. The performance of Desmigratif officers in operating the Information Service Center is increasingly challenging, specially during the Covid – 19 Pandemic. Spessificaly in optimizing government communication used by the officials and all relevant stakeholders. The purpose of this research is to examine the optimization efforts done by Desmigratif workers in service operation of the Information Service Center during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a qualitative that can be further explored to discuss the topic of government communication in efforts to optimize services during the pandemi. The results showed that the services are adaptive to the times and follow the technological developments and appropriate especially during the pandemic, where the opportunity to communicate directly very limited. Furthermore, another thing that also affects are the improvement of the quality and competence of the Desmigatif offical and the collaborations that built with related parties


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Rahmayanti, A. (2021). Optimalisasi Pusat Layanan Migrasi Desmigratif di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara, 3(2), 80-91. https://doi.org/10.33366/jkn.v3i2.66


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