Representasi Kepemimpinan dalam Film Menolak Diam

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M. Abdul Ghofur
M. Yusriansyah Ramadhan
Elang Baskoro Adi


One of the mass communication media (Mass Communication Media) that attracts the public's attention is film. Film is not only a means of creativity, but also a space for actualizing the culture of a society. The purpose of this study is to find out how the director represents leadership on the film of Menolak Diam. The method used in this research is interpretive qualitative with Roland Barthes' semiotic approach. The result shows that the film of "Menolak Diam" has various signs or representations of "leadership", both in verbal and visual forms. These verbal and visual signs are constructed into various scenes, where each scene reflects the meaning of leadership. Apart from that, every piece of dialogue in the film is full of the meaning of leadership. Similar to dialogue, each scene also depicts or represents leadership, especially the figure of Alif as the main character. The scene cuts try to represent the characteristics of a leader that can be seen by the audience.


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Ghofur, M. A., Ramadhan, M. Y., & Adi, E. B. (2021). Representasi Kepemimpinan dalam Film Menolak Diam. Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara, 3(2), 111-118.


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